Creed cafe is beyond everything else, a duty for those who lean towards self-development. Interaction with others is indispensable, and Creed cafe is one of the ways to get a proper interaction. By listening to other people, we can better understand ourselves, and that certainly is the case when the people you’re talking to are from all around the world. It’s also relevant to remind that with “cancel culture” we are distancing ourselves from good disagreements and that it is important to respectfully engage in debates where you have opposite perspectives on the same topic, if it wasn’t for that type of freedom to disagree, there wouldn’t be any type of science (Exacts or human science). Anurag, the mediator, and creator of Creed Cafe plays (most of the time) a Socratic role, building the topic with simple questions that compels us to express our opinion. Every participant receives an equal opportunity to speak and to ask questions to other participants. To summarize, Creed Cafe is an opportunity to escape the dangers of Alienation and to also have your ideas be treated with care and respect.